5 Eylül 2005

Deniz Tunçalp


Ph.D. in Management (Organization Studies)
2006. Graduate School of Management, Sabancı University
Dissertation: “The recursive dualism of technology: Reconstructing the process of technology adaptation in organizations”

M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
2000. Graduate School of Natural & Applied Sciences, Middle East Technical University
Dissertation: “Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Post-Implementation Performance Assessment Methodology”

M.Sc. in Information Systems
2000. Informatics Institute, Middle East Technical University
Dissertation: “Enhancing Functionality in Enterprise Resource Planning: Master Production Scheduling in Oracle Applications”

B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
1997. Industrial Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University


  • Organization Studies: Technology and organizations
  • Social Theory: Critical Theory of Technology
  • Operations Management: Systems theory, organizational simulations
  • Information Systems: Information security


  • ITM 533 - Technology & Human Organization
  • ITM 577 - Enterprise Resource Planning & Management
  • ITM 580 - Special Topics in IT Management: Information Security Management


Denizel, M., Usdiken, B. and D. Tuncalp. 2003. Drift or Shift? Continuity, Change, and International Variation in Knowledge Production in OR/MS. Operations Research, Vol.51, 5, 711-720.


Tuncalp, D., Oncu, A. and M. Denizel. 2006. The recursive dualism of technology: Reconstructing the process of technology adaptation in organizations.

Tuncalp, D., Denizel, M. and A. Oncu. 2005. Enterprise resource planning technology adaptation versus change and stability in organizations. Submitted to Production and Operations Management.

Tuncalp, D., Oncu, A. and M. Denizel. 2005. The recursive dualism of technology: A Processual Perspective to technology adaptation in organizations. Submitted to Academy of Management 2006 Conference.

Tuncalp, D., Oncu, A. and M. Denizel. 2005. The recursive dualism of technology and the politics of technology adaptation in organizations: The case of kappa corporation. Submitted to EGOS 2006 Conference.

Tuncalp, D., Oncu, A. and M. Denizel. 2005. The recursive dualism of logics and practices during technology adaptation in organizations: The case of beta corporation. Submitted to The Second Organization Studies Summer Workshop.

Tuncalp, D. 2006. The mottle of a person is inside: A critical perspective to dimensions of information privacy concept and its regulation in Turkey. Submitted to 14th National Management and Organization Congress, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey.


Tuncalp, D., Oncu, A. and M. Denizel. 2005. Recursive dualism of technology: Reconstructing the process of technology adaptation in organizations” The 21st EGOS Colloquium 2005, European Group for Organizational Studies, Free University Berlin, Germany.

Tuncalp, D. 2005. Information Security Management and ISO 17799 / BS7799 Standards: A New Research and Practice Area for Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. Operational Research Society Turkey, XXV. National Congress, 4 – 6 July, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Tuncalp, D., Denizel, M. and A. Oncu. 2005. Enterprise resource planning as a concept and a system: How ERP adaptation unfolds in organizations. International Conference on Business, Management and Economics , 16-19 June 2005, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey.

Tuncalp, D., Denizel, M. and A. Oncu. 2004. Enterprise resource planning technology as a source of change and stability in organizations. European Operations Management Association, INSEAD, 27 - 29 June 2004, Fontainebleau, France.

Tuncalp, D., A. Oncu and M. Denizel. 2003. Institutionalization and structuration of technology. European Sociological Association 2003 Conference, Murcia, Spain.

Tuncalp, D., M. Denizel and A. Oncu. 2003. Reconstructing the duality and dualism of technology in organizations. INFORMS 2003 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Tuncalp, D., A. Oncu and M. Denizel. 2003. Structuration and institutionalization of technology: Reconstructing duality and dualism of technology in organizations. National Management and Organization Congress, 22 May, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, Turkey.

Tuncalp, D. 2003. Technology as a Contested Field in Civil Society: Case of Internet Cafes in Turkey. Turkish Social Sciences Congress, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

Tuncalp, D. and O. Coskunoglu. 1999. Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Manufacturing Flexibility. XXth National Congress of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, 8-9 June, Turkish Military Academy, Ankara, Turkey.


2006 (forthcoming). Information Security Management, Processes, Standards and the Myth of Best Practice. Invited seminar.

2005. Studying Technology in Organization Studies. Invited seminar. Sabancı University. Graduate School of Management, İstanbul, Turkey.

2004. Studying Technology Adaptation in Organizations. Invited seminar. Middle East Technical University. Department of Industrial Engineering, Ankara, Turkey.

2004. Technology and Organization Studies. Invited seminar. Graduate School of Management. Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey.

2003. Intrustion Detection or Protection: A Whole New World or Old Wine in New Bottles. IT Vision Conference, Interpro, Istanbul, Turkey.

2002. Developing a Comprehensive Technology Understanding From a Multi-Paradigm Position. OR & IE Doctoral Students Colloquium, YAD & EURO, Middle East Technical University. Department of Industrial Engineering, Ankara, Turkey.

2001. Doctoral Seminar on Research Methodology in Operations Management. Participation. European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, February Feb 5-9, 2001, Brussels, Belgium.

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